Week 4 Assignment, Part 1: Development of an organization chart integrating technology
Using the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology improvements, develop an organization chart that includes the following:
- Identify by title or job description all personnel/stakeholders responsible for integrating technology and instructional and organization leadership from the district office to the campus and classroom;
- Provide a brief description of the role and responsibilities of all identified personnel in your organizational chart;
- Discuss the role of the principal in making sure the organizational chart is implemented and monitored.
Superintendent- Along with the board members, the superintendent oversees all campuses within the district. He is responsible for making changes to the district, responsible for appraisal of curriculum & technology, ensures the rights of all staff and students are respected.
Deputy Superintendent- Within our district, the deputy superintendent is responsible for all secondary principals as well as the technology director. He approves changes needed to be made for our benchmarking schedules, staff development days, and curriculum.
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction- This position is responsible for the same duties as the deputy superintendent but the assistant superintendent is responsible for elementary prinicpals and the staff development director. They are also in charge of working with the newly hired district level facilitators for this school year.
Technology Director- Is in charge of technology needs within central office as well as campuses. The technology director helps with training for central office staff and helps guide technicians for campuses.
Staff Development Director- The staff development director for our district is responsible for arranging all staff developments that are held at central office. They range from in house trainings to online courses for technology. She is responsible for bringing trainers from Region 1 or other places to provide staff development for all district staff.
Principals- Secondary and elementary principals are responsible for implementing rules, procedures, technology, curriculum & instruction, and providing a safe environment for students and staff on campus. Principals are responsible for implementing and enforcing changes to curriculum where staff must integrate technology. A prinicple is the backbone of support for their campus.
Facilitators- Every campus in our district as of this year now has a facilitator. Our facilitator is responsible for implementing curriculum changes and offering feedback to curriculum for our teachers. The facilitator is in charge of all Pre-Ap students and the curriculum for Pre-Ap. She is also responsible for our RTI program and AVID, which is being started this year. Our facilitator also is in charge of setting up trainings for staff and helping with the implementation of technology.
General Education Teachers- Teachers are responsible for integrating technology into the curriculum and following the state mandated TEKS for curriculum and technology. Teachers are also responsible for creating a safe environment within the classroom for students, communicating with parents and other staff, implementing ethical and legal behavior for students towards technology, and are also responsible for all rules and procedures from the district down to the campus level.
Campus Instructional Technologist- She is responsible for holding technology trainings, helping teachers to fill out the yearly STaR chart, AVID, and helping teachers with general technology questions that may occur on a daily basis. She also the campus' computer teacher and helps staff with online technology trainings and resources as well.
Technology Support Specialists- He is responsible for maintaining technology and inventory of technology on our campus. He is the go to person when staff are having problems with technology. He is also responsible for finding the technology needed by staff on our campus and updating our network.
Other Stakeholders- This includes students, parents, and the community. Students are responsible for making sure they receive and education and the parents should be the support system our students need outside of the classroom. Together all stakeholders and educators can help all students to succeed.
The principal is responsible for making sure this organization chart is implemented by following the proper rules and procedures. In order for the principal to implement changes to technology and curriculum, especially if they are major changes, they must get the approval from their boss. In our district, my principal's boss is the Deputy Superintendent School Support Services, Mr. Art Cavazos. Everything goes through Mr. Cavazos such as changing our curriculum timelines, technology training days, staff development make up days, approval for extended work days hours so we don't have to work on designated Saturdays, etc. The principal is responsible for listening to staff's needs and work with the proper channels to make the channels. The principal is also responsible for making sure that there is a constant open line of communication between their campus and student's parents. Principals are responsible for making sure that students are getting the necessary education needed in order to be successful within the 21st century. Now more than ever, principals need to focus on technology being used in every classroom and integrated into all curriculum. If they can provide the necessary trainings, vision for their campus, support for their staff, trust, and communication, their campus can achieve the ultimate level of success. Just like the professors said in the roundtable discussion, technology doesn't always work the first time. Administrators provide a safe environment for teachers to try technology in classrooms and encourage teachers to keep trying. Principals are the problem solvers and trouble shooters. Principals also have to have patience and perserverance with their staff.
Week 4 Assignment, Part 2: Professional Development Planning
Using the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology improvements, develop professional development activities that include the following:
- Reference analysis and lessons learned about the technology needs from the Week 3 report;
- Addresses professional development designed to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources;
- Includes professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership.
Every summer right before the new school year starts, our campus instructional technologist, staff, and administration work together to discuss our previous year's STaR chart and complete the upcoming year STaR chart. Based on the teacher's surveys, we can determine what technology is available, what trainings teachers may have already had towards technology, and what technology and training still may be required for the campus to move forward with the integration of technology. We also have the opportunity to discuss any obstacles we may have come across in using the technology and gain insight from each other on how to overcome those obstacles.
After the interviews, assessing the AEIS data for my campus and looking at areas of weakness, analyzing the campus' STaR chart, and the tech survey, it has been determined that more support and better professional development is needed for the campus. Professional development is available each year for many areas, including technology and are appropriate for technology training, but changes need to be made. After my interview with an administrator, Dr. Joe Rodriguez, I was very surprised to hear how he felt that although professional development may be good in the essence that teachers are trained how to use technology, teachers are not shown how to integrate it in the classroom curriculum. I felt that was a well made point and all professional development should be done in depth, teaching educators how to use the technology towards their specific curriculum. Professional development can be done through analyzing all the necessary data from AEIS, STaR chart, and teacher technology surveys, to see where technology is needed; therefore professional development can be broken up into specific areas of need. It is hard having training for all staff in a large group setting when some staff may not need that specific training for technology use, but instead may need training in another specific area.
Some professional development that can be used to better my campus with technology use would be using a new form of professional development where teachers can actually have trainings within their classroom setting, using only resources that are available to teachers on a regular daily basis. It is very frustrating when you go to a training and the presenter has everything imaginable for the training, but you go back to your classroom and don't have any of those resources available. In this situation where professional development is made available to teachers in a realistic classroom setting, teachers can learn firsthand how to integrate the technology to the best of their abilities with the available resources. Also I do not think that any of the teachers on my campus are truly aware of the tech TEKS that we are supposed to be following daily/yearly. I honestly was not until taking this class. There needs to be a professional development training that guides teachers on how to address these TEKS using specific strategies and shows teachers how to properly implement them. Another professional development that would be useful to our campus would be Atomic Learning. I was made aware of this program through other teachers that use this on-line tutorial program in other districts. It is a neat concept because there are so many tutorials for technology use that teachers would have access to 24/7. An administrator can purchase the license use for their campus and give access to all their staff. I will make this aware for my administrator and hope to have access to it as soon as possible.
When I started my teaching career, I was given a mentor that helped me on a daily basis and it was the best experience I could have ever had. I learned how to do my job right and I made a great friend. We both learned from each other. This may not be part of professional development, but our district does believe in every new teacher having a mentor on their campus. It is the principal's job to assign a mentor for the new hires. There needs to be a strong mentor support system on campus where new technology savvy educators are paired with veteran teachers whose strengths are not in technology. In this situation, the new teachers can offer support to veteran teachers in technology, while veteran teachers can offer support in curriculum and instruction. If mentors and mentees are paired up in this situation, both can benefit by collaborating on how to integrate technology into the curriculum and instruction. In the process they can share their ideas with other teachers, therefore the entire campus moves forward. I know that my first year I was constantly being asked on how to do certain things with technology and it made me feel important because although I may have been new, I was able to help veteran teachers besides them helping me. Also one last idea to help my campus in the area of technology would be to have our campus instructional technologist attend an annual instructional technology conference or other trainings and bring back ideas on how to train the staff with the newest uses of technology. Our CIT needs to always be up-to-date with the latest technology changes in order for our campus to meet state standards with technology and to make sure our students are receiving the proper education in order to assure their success for the future. Based on project tomorrow surveys, students have access to many mobile devices and use technology for many things such as online testing, online classes, collaboration, and communication. We as campuses have to stop looking at certain types of technology as roadblocks and start integrating them into our curriculum in order to maintain our students enthusiasm for learning and keep them intrigued.
Ultimately the success of a campus depends on the leaders. Administrators have to gain support from central office and be willing to make any changes necessary to help their campus achieve success. They must constantly analyze data, find areas of weakness, require proper trainings for staff, make necessary resources available, and promote the integration of technology in the classroom.
Week 4 Assignment, Part 3: Evaluation Planning for Action Plan
The technology action plan integrating instructional an organizational leadership must include evaluation components that provide measurable outcomes designed to address the following:
- Uses data and other analysis from the Week 3 report, including using the campus and district improvement plans, and local or state technology plans;
- Provides assessments and/or monitoring reports measuring professional development designed to use technology to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources;
- Provides assessments and/or monitoring evaluating professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership.
In our district, we run on a nine week schedule. We consist of four quarters that make up our school year. If we are going to provide the professional development needed in order to make sure all staff is following the required technology TEKS and integrating technology into the curriculum, there must be some sort of evaluation process in order to measure our success as a campus.
As part of evaluating the action plan, we could create surveys through Survey Monkey that would be administered to teachers on campus every nine weeks. This surveys will be used to monitor the teachers and campus' progress. Also instead of just administrators being the people that observe teachers and their use of technology, our campus facilitator and campus instructional technologist can administer walkthroughs as well to observe teachers and their progress with integrating technology into curriculum and instruction.
Overall the principal's observation reports, campus instructional technologist's observation reports, the teacher's surveys that are given each nine weeks, and surveys to students and parents at the end of the year can be used to evaluate the trends of technology use on campus and with teachers. All of these evaluations will be used to determine the campus' successes and failures in the integration of technology with organizational and instructional leadership. This will all be done at the end of the year, therefore making administrators and staff aware of changes that need to be made for the following year. With these evaluations, professional development changes can be made, trainings can be administered for specific areas, and the proper resources can be made available for staff in time for the upcoming school year. Changes are always needed for a campus to become better and the only way to move forward is to work together and share the same visions. Administrators are the leaders and are responsible for making sure that their campus follows all TEKS, analyzes all the data, and makes changes necessary for their campus in order to be successful.
Week 4 Assignment, Part 4: Posting your Action Report and Responding to Other Students' action plans
Using the discussion board and the blog that you have developed, please write and post your action plan, and be sure to:
The purpose of the action report is to provide you with recommended procedures for gathering, analyzing, and using data from a variety of sources for informed campus decision making focusing on the effective integration of technology in curriculum, instruction, assessment and professional development. Students may wish to use this action plan as one of your school improvement projects for your Electronic Portfolio. You may also use the Week 3 and Week 4 assignments as campus supervised hours for your internship logs. As indicated these two weeks fall under Domain II, Instructional Leadership, and address elements of Competencies 4, 5 and 7.