Monday, November 23, 2009

Response & Reflections from Assessments (Week 1, Part 2)

On the Technology Applications Inventory Assessment, the majority of my responses were answered with a yes. There were 58 questions on the assessment and 34 questions were answered with a yes and the other 24 were answered with a no. In the foundations domain, I answered 10 out of the 18 questions with a yes. I understand the majority of the basic functions when dealing with technology. The areas that I am not quite sure about deal with RAM, digital file formats, and capturing digital files. In the information acquisition domain, I answered 4 out of the 10 questions with a yes and the other 6 with a no. I can identify and create different types of files while using online help. Normally I am able to resolve information conflicts as well. I do not understand how to identify source, location, media type, etc of available information. Nor do I understand how to use Boolean search strategies, know the difference between directories and search engines, LANs and WANs, or know anything about vector and bit mapped graphic files. In the domain of solving problems with technology tools, I answered 12 out of the 18 questions with a yes. I can use almost all software to create and share files. I am just not sure about graphic tools, how to participate in interactive virtual environments, or how to use collaborative software. In the last domain, which is communication, I answered 8 out of the 12 questions with a yes. I can use productivity tools, multimedia tools, publish in a variety of ways and know how to effectively communicate.

The other assessment that I chose to take was the SETDA Teacher Survey. I consider myself somewhat of a good technological person. I use the Internet and computer daily. On my campus, data is not being collected in relation to the impact of technology for students in the 21st century. A typical student does not use technology at all in my classroom because there are no computers. On my campus, teachers are expected to use technology regularly and teachers in the same subject-area as me tend to share ideas on how to use technology. I require my students to use word processing, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint. As a teacher, I do not have very many classroom management and organizational strategies for using technology. Best practices with technology are normally shared informally among teachers and almost never are teachers exposed to innovations and best practices in teaching with technology. I consider myself highly skilled in almost all areas of software use except for different database software, authoring tools, or technologies specific to science. I regularly use technology to enhance instruction in the classroom and our campus uses electronic grade books. I use technology daily for all types of communication. Distance learning is non-existent on our campus, our Internet is reliable most of the time, we have quite a wait time for technical support on most occasions, but have about 25-30 computers in a few computer labs on campus. There is full access to Internet, grade book, school server, and online courses for myself outside of school. Most of my students' access to these things is poor or barely adequate. There is no real difference on access to technology by different groups. Our campus and district have a vision of fulfilling technology expectations of the 21st century. My campus does support innovative teaching practices and with the help of technology, my interactions with students' parents has increased moderately. In the last two school years, I have participated in various professional developments that were related to technology use. Our campus does need to offer a lot more staff developments focusing on technology though.

My strengths in educational technology knowledge are that I come from a background of schooling where technology was used for everything. I am also a young new teacher that tries diligently to stay up to date with all the new technology, therefore always on the same page as my students. Another strength I like to consider is the fact that it is not hard for me to figure out how to use various types of technology. Most teachers within my grade level or department come to me with computer technology help and it is not hard to figure out the problem and find solutions. Some of my weaknesses are that I do not know how to use different types of software and am not use to all the new programs becoming available for computers.

I do need help in using different types of specific software designed for my subject area, science. There are many programs and software out there now that I have never heard of and could probably use within the classroom. One thing that I think would really help me in the future would be to have someone show me different ways to integrate technology into the curriculum. I want to move forward in the 21st century and future technology professional development would help me get there. I do agree with the assessments in the sense that there are areas of weakness that need improvement and with help I can overcome those barriers. There are also many improvements that our campus needs to make as a whole in order to meet the technology needs of the 21st century.


  1. According to the results of your Technology Applications Inventory, you have developed a solid foundation of technological skills to assist you in supporting 21st century learners. Your technological skills will serve you well as you take on your role as an instructional leader and administrator. You are in a perfect position to advocate for both your students and colleagues to reap the benefits of technology.

  2. I like that you personally strive to keep up to date with all the new technology. For Earth Science, Google Earth is a good resource to use. There is a short tutorial video on youtube, for a quick start.
